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ENR Article, Public and Private Training Yields Fewer Mistakes Behind the Wheel

An article in ENR magazine describes a Minnesota state training program to improve construction truck safety and operations, known as Construction Tru...

NIOSH Alert, Preventing Deaths and Injuries While Compacting or Baling Refuse Material, 2003-124

This NIOSH report is useful for maintenance workers and laborers. It summarizes fatality information from BLS data and from investigations of baling a...

OSHA's "$AFETY PAYS" Program

This is a free, interactive software program from OSHA intended to help employers estimate the direct and indirect costs of an injury or illness and c...

Fatality Case Study, Multi-Employer, Residential Construction

Presentation on safety hazards in residential construction, including OSHA policies and citations, typical hazards, and handling sub-contractors....

Inspect, Follow Up to Reduce Risks

Describes the importance of routine safety inspections and follow-up reports in improving safety, based on the study of a specific construction site....

Health and Safety Executive Short Videos on Construction Hazards

Link to a series of videos concerning near-misses and work-related hazards in construction and other industries. The quick-loading one-minute videos...

Safety Hazards to Workers in Modular Home Construction

Watch construction workers at risk while setting a modular home: 6-min. video covers hazards specific to modular home construction: riding on tilt-up...

NIOSH Construction Compendium

One-page summaries of over 100 NIOSH-supported construction safety and health research projects in 2002....

Oregon OSHA Hazard Alert: Portable Circular Saws

After two accidents, Oregon OSHA warns users of portable cutoff-type industrial circular saws to use only diamond or abrasive blades, and use them onl...

Managing Mobile Crane Hazards

A presentation reviewing the major safety risks mobile cranes pose for operators and workers around them and how to reduce those risks. It is designed...