Link to NIOSH guidance document for Supervisors at Disaster Rescue Sites, which includes recommendations for a written work plan and safety checklists...
Link to an HSE publication containing illustrations, brief information about some workplace deaths related to the safety problems, and references to...
Oak Ridge Spallation Neutron Source Project logs 1 million man-hours without a lost workday, thanks to intensive safety program....
Study and recommendations based on the work of the ACCSH Health and Safety of Women in Construction. The focus is on the prevalence of a hostile workp...
A presentation of the Construction Industry Institute detailing research results from studies of 400 companies and 38 projects, with a focus on identi...
Short article on the need for good housekeeping and the suggestion that contracts should spell out responsibilities, as should managers....
Provides data on the financial benefits of improving safety with information on direct and indirect costs of injuries and illnesses....
A guide for small contractors in Canada that describes steps to be followed to ensure safety, including a discussion of regulations and a listing of p...
An article written by a female construction worker describing the challenges faced due to discrimination....
Describes the results of a survey of workers on roadway construction sites on PPE use for a variety of types of equipment and barriers to wearing the...