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Working in deep cement all day can be very stressful. Using good durable boots with a sturdy sole and insoles with shock absorbing material will help....


Hand trowels create pressure points that create stress on the hand and wrist. Hand trowels can be modified to better fit your grip and reduce wrist be...


Hand screeding to level out concrete creates a lot of stress on the wrist, hands and back. Try screeding with one foot in front of the other to reduce...


Try to maintain a comfortable position while working. Hand troweling can be very stressful on your the back, hands and arms. If you are physically abl...


Using a bull float with a rotating knuckle joint allows greater mobility. This can reduce awkward body postures and muscle strain. Taking mini breaks...


Powered troweling machines can reduce hand troweling and kneeling. Taking mini breaks (a few seconds) and stretching during the day can help reliev...


Working in an awkward posture can cause arm and/or shoulder pain. Maintain a comfortable working posture. Avoid over reaching, move closer to the work...


Working in an awkward posture can cause arm and/or shoulder pain. Whenever possible maintain a comfortable (neutral) working posture. Avoid over reach...


Not using gloves. Using gloves will help increase your grip and protect your skin. Using the correct shovel for the job can help to reduce fatigue....


Workers is using gloves and eye protection. Bending at the waist all day can result in lower back pain and injury. Taking mini-breaks (a few seconds)...